The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 31 (Finale)

As the season ends, the Velan people adjust to the stunning discoveries. Jayzun looks to the past and is ready to fly toward the future. While the Manna Empire embraces

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 30

The shocking findings from Ki only offer more questions for Jayzun as he walks CJ through his concerns. CJ continues to be the strength for everyone around her, while the

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 29

Jayzun copes with a difficult loss, while CJ consoles him with bright memories and humor to support him. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form on our Patreon page.

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 28

Vela warmly welcomes the Ambassadorial Delegation from the Manna Empire. CJ and Jayzun finally get to catch up over a couple of bottles of sidras. Transcribed transmissions can be read

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 27

While CJ enjoys the chaos of a busy house, she is given an opportunity for her own adventure. Jayzun reveals a startling discovery in his investigation. Transcribed transmissions can be

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 26

Jayzun’s investigation at Ki leads to an amazing discovery for Vela. CJ provides an update on the Manna Empire’s political changes and family shenanigans. Transcribed transmissions can be read in

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 22

Both with new toddlers CJ and Jayzun compare parenting notes. Jayzun also gets ready for a test that could make Velan history, while CJ attends an exciting galactic sporting event.

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 19

Jayzun receives some good news from home, while he searches for more answers to the system’s mysteries. CJ begins to feel like herself again, jumps back into work, and tests

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 16

Jayzun excited about all the advancements in the Von-La system, while CJ adjusts to the life with three toddlers. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form on our Patreon

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 15

Jayzun continues to adjust to life after his adventure, while CJ embarks on an exciting new phase of her life. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form on our

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 14

Jayzun returns from a remarkable adventure, but deals with the mounting consequences. CJ, excited he has returned, updates him on what he’s missed around the system, including her own family

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 12

Jayzun revisits his past and decides on his future. Back on Ellandra, CJ receives a mysterious invite to an exclusive meeting where an old family mystery is relieved. Transcribed transmissions

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 11

Jayzun has an important decision to make about his past and seeks advice from CJ. Back on Heimavinna, CJ and and Andy seal their vows. Transcribed transmissions can be read

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 8

Jayzun embarks on a long mission further out in the Von-La System. CJ still enjoying life on Ellandra, soon begins to learn more about the political and personal dealings within

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 7

CJ ventures off Heimavinna for the first time and experiences the wonders of space travel and stepping on a new world. Jayzun, thrilled for CJ to finally experience a little

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 6

Jayzun and CJ share recovery stories with the help of those around them. CJ is looking forward to a momentous trip, while Jayzun relates with someone close to him. Transcribed

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Lunch with Dad (Bonus Episode)

CJ and her father Rowan meet for lunch at a work to discuss work, the Illythians, …and her new boyfriend. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form on our

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 4

Jayzun struggles with his recovery, while CJ distracts him with her latest exploits with a visiting Illythian. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form on our Patreon page. CJ

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – The Unsent Message (Bonus Episode)

Jayzun is selected to run a test on a new spacecraft and uses his free time to send a message to CJ. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 3

CJ and Jayzun both experience events that could change the course of their lives. Even though they are far apart, they still send comfort and lean each other. Transcribed transmissions

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 2

CJ and Jayzun discuss their personal lives while taking on new responsibilities with their careers. Transcribed transmissions can be read in text form on our Patreon page. CJ is voiced

The Binary Saga: Season 3 – Episode 1

Welcome back! We return to Heimavinna and Vela to follow CJ, daughter of Fryda, and Jayzun, the adopted son of Orie. The two deal with the stunning revelations from the

The Binary Saga: Season 2 – Bradth Station (Finale Part 1)

A haunting flight deck recording from the spacecraft Trinity Edge that was discovered in the Heimavahla Prime Ancient Library – around 2600 years ago. Music by Eric Matyas and

The Binary Saga: Season 2 – Episode 8

Against the backdrop of Old Family dramas, Helge finally finds success at Verkstad Space and gets serious about his future. Orie embraces the joys and struggles of parenthood, while still

The Binary Saga: Season 2 – Episode 4

Orie deals with a great loss and looks towards the future. Helge comforts his friend and embarks on an adventure no Manna has gone on before! Helge is voiced by

The Binary Saga: Season 2 – Episode 2

We get to know Helge and Orie a little better as they each go through what life is like growing up on different planets. Helge is voiced by Paul Anderson

The Binary Saga: Season 1 – Episode 9

Irja (Ages 61, 63, and 65) and Jisto (Ages 60, 62, and 64) prepare for some major changes on their worlds. An incredible new discovery has both of them on

The Binary Saga: Season 1 – Episode 8

Irja (Ages 55, 57, and 59) and Jisto (Ages 54, 56, and 58) recover after the events of Episode 7. More new discoveries are made and political issues come to

The Binary Saga: Season 1 – Episode 1

The first transmissions of the Binary Saga begins with Jisto, a thirteen rotat old Velan, chosen to participate in a youth program to talk with someone from the planet Heimavinna.

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