The Series

Frame Story

In 2016, Scientists on earth detected a fast radio burst from a distant region of space with no observable stars.  This signal contained a constant series of data packets and a decryption key.  Once it was decrypted, the data contained a number of transmissions from two planets in a Binary system.  Included in the data was a translation matrix that researchers used to translate the entries, as best as possible, into english.  The following transmissions were declassified by the scientific community and given to us to present.

A system with two stars, one in orbit around the other.  Each star has a planetary system that contains an inhabited world.  Technology has advanced enough to allow communication between the two planets.  While the planetary scientists are using these systems to discover more about each others civilization, other communication is also occurring that allows us to see a more relatable side of each planet’s lives.  The Scientists have been communicating for a number of years now, but a program has been instituted to allow youth transmissions. The first stories are from two young people, one from each planet, and their discoveries of each others world.

These are those stories.

The Project

Binary Saga is a collaborative writing project between Steve, Vanessa, and Paul. The idea came from the concept of two planets that are close enough for communication, but far enough that it’s little more than a Pen-Pal style of correspondence. Because of this, and how it is being written, each team is responsible for a single planet, and neither team knows much about the others plans, or planetary make up. This information is only related via the transmissions.

The Music

Music is from Eric Matyas at
Eric is a VERY talented musician and provides royalty free music for many projects.

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